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Archive for January 2017

Super Foods For Weight Loss Diet

Super Foods for Weight Loss

Super Foods for Weight Loss: Not all foods are created equal. Various calories go through diverse pathways metabolically in the body. The type of ingredient has a vastly differing effect on hormones, hunger and how many calories are burnt. If you’re wondering how to lose weight fast then incorporate some of these foods into your diet right away. These are some of the most weight-loss friendly nourishments held true by science.

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New Year Fitness Resolution

New Year Resolution of Getting FIT

New Year Resolution of Getting FIT: Fitness new-year resolutions are fun to make but difficult to maintain. In January, one in three people resolve to better themselves in one way or another. A smaller percentage of those people actually carry out their resolutions. A study found that 75 per cent of people stick with their goals for at least a week. After that, less than half are still on point, 6 months later. However, you can be absolutely resolute in maintaining your health and fitness strategies with these ten simple tricks and tools.

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