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All Posts in Category: #BirthdayResolution

Fitness Birthday Resolution

How Taking a Birthday Resolution

How Taking a Birthday Resolution: Have you ever noticed that some of the good things in life only happen once every year?
Think, New Year, Diwali, Holi, Christmas and the one that’s quite personal, our Birthday. That makes it a pretty special event. It’s strictly limited, its day is non-negotiable (yes, you still have to go to work) and it’s something you will receive for the rest of your life. So why do we lose the magic of celebrating our birthdays as we get older? Note, this is a generalization, but if you ask the people that are around you, I think they will agree with this. As one becomes older, birthdays usually becomes a time of intense self-reflection: where am I in my life, where do I want to be, Am I Fit & Healthy, what could I improve?

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