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All Posts in Category: Blogs

Winter Weight Loss Secret

Winter Weight Loss Secret

Winter Weight Loss Secret: Along with winter season, it’s a season for various festivals, which can be busy and exciting and with festivals comes a list of unhealthy food. Winter season makes people lazy and hazy, hence there would be lack of exercise in one’s daily routine. (more…)

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Weight Loss Measurement via U-Lipo process

Know about U-Lipo®. How does it works?

What is U-Lipo®?
How does works U-Lipo?: The term liposuction comes with a list of assumptions, however, not all assumptions are true. The removal of fat cavitation through ultrasonic liposuction treatment is an effective way to reduce fat cell in your body, (more…)

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Vegan Diet to reduce Belly Fat

Vegan Diet to reduce Belly Fat: Now, we know as soon as you read about “Vegan diet” loads of questions pop up in your head; Is weight loss even possible? Is it even healthy? How does is equalize my much needed protein intake? How do vegans lose weight?

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6 Reasons Why do you always feel hungry?

6 Reasons Why do you always feel hungry?: What are hunger pangs? Hunger pangs (also called hunger pains) are the result of an irritation of the lining of the stomach, it’s what you feel when you are feeling hungry all the time. Do you ever wonder why you are always hungry? When the stomach empties after the digestion of a meal, its walls come into contact and rub against each other, causing discomfort. This is one of the common symptoms of being hungry and feeling hungry all the time.

There are various causes and effects of hunger pangs which leads to the notion of you feeling hungry most of the times even when you aren’t really hungry, as there are many harmful effects of starvation on the human body. Hence, one must be aware of the signs and symptoms of starvation.

Some of the causes are:


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