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Lose Fat With Raw Food Diet

Lose Fat With Raw Food Diet: Is going raw the healthier way of consumption? Or will it have a major impact on your health?

We’ve done the research, this is what you need to know.

What does a ‘raw food diet’ mean?

Firstly, a raw food diet is one where only food that has gone through minimum levels of preparation are consumed. This eliminates all sorts of preservatives, chemicals, fertilizers, sugar, salt and spices! “Raw Foodism” as it’s widely known, has been doing the rounds on food blogs and social media.

What does a raw food diet do?

A raw diet claims that heating food destroys its nutrients and natural enzymes, which aid digestion, help to fend off chronic disease and unwanted weight.

Furthermore, it suggests that cooking food actually makes it toxic and that the nutrients contained within raw food can have far-reaching outcomes like cures to allergies, headaches, lead to improvements in arthritis, diabetes and even slow down the signs of aging.

Benefits of a raw food diet

Raw food dieters believe these are the perks:

  • more energy
  • clearer skin
  • better digestion
  • weight loss
  • a lower risk of developing heart and cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Is weight loss achievable through this diet?

Lose Fat With Raw Food Diet: Eating raw food may initially lead to weight loss, as your body does not receive the excess salt, sugar or oil intake! Another reason why you might lose weight is that you would mainly stick to a limited option of food that is only fruits, veggies and nuts which are typically very low in calories.

Is raw food actually more reliable than cooked food?

If you are eating raw food, it means you will mainly eat fruits, along with fresh leafy vegetables and nuts! People usually think that eating a raw food diet will provide them with the vitamins and nutrients that the fruits and vegetables have. As per the popular belief, cooking food for a longer period of time can destroy the beneficial and healthy compounds in them. Most of the nutrients present in them are indeed destroyed to a certain extent.

A balanced diet is another way of achieving weight loss:

Having a balanced diet daily helps to provide your body with the right amount of nutrients and it cuts the excess fat consumption. You must eat more of leafy vegetables and include fruits in your diet. You could switch to healthier choices that will help you stay lean. Read on to see what items it must contain:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits & Veggies
  • Low fat dairy
  • Lean protein

Try losing weight naturally

  • Add Protein to Your Diet
  • Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods
  • Avoid Processed Foods
  • Stock Up on Healthy Foods and Snacks
  • Limit Your Intake of Added Sugar
  • Drink Water
  • Drink Coffee
  • Get Enough Sleep

The Raw Deal

Scientific research has not yet confirmed this. Since the authenticity of the diet as a whole is questioned, let’s remember nature has given each food its unique perfect mix and to convince you more, this is diet consumed by the first humans that explored our planet!