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Tips to keep Cool and Healthy this Summer

Tips to keep Cool and Healthy this Summer: Summer is here with its scorching hot weather and along with it comes issues like dehydration, sunburn and  heat stroke. Summer time can be fun but being out in the sun for a long time can bring in these health concerns. It is important to take extra care of yourself during summer. How to keep your body in cool in summer is the question that worries everybody with the oncomings of this season. But worry not, we have tips on how to keep yourself cool and healthy this summer!


It’s needless to say how important water is during summer. Always remember to carry a bottle of water when you head out. Being out in the sun for a long time can cause dehydration and keeping a water will definitely come in handy! This is also the best way to keep your body cool in summer naturally.


Summer causes severe sweating which in turn causes electrolyte imbalance. To balance out the fluids lost in sweat drinks like butter milk, lemon juice and coconut water. These are also the drinks to reduce body heat.


Consuming alcoholic, caffeinated drinks and those high in sugar can cause loss of fluids. These drinks contain preservatives and artificial colors and they can cause dehydration. Avert from consuming these drinks to avoid dehydration. How can I keep my stomach cool in summer is a question that is frequently asked and the above mentioned dos and don’ts are the answers to it!


Avoid fruits and vegetables like spinach, radish, hot peppers, onions, garlic, beetroot, pineapple, grapefruit and ripe mangoes as they are high in heat. Further avoid the intake of fried foods, like vadas, samosas, chips, bhajias, farsans, etc. as they are high in fat and are not a part of an ideal diet for weight loss.


Green sprouts are a cooling food, which can be great to snack on with a few slices of cucumber. This will keep you cool and also ideal as part of a diet plan to lose weight. Other healthy summer diet tips include consuming 3-4 pieces of dates, milk and yogurt which will give you energy and keep you from feeling run down throughout the day.


Consuming small and healthy meals at regular  intervals will help you remain full and keep you from overeating. Do not forget to have your breakfast as research shows that you perform well throughout the day if you have had a proper breakfast as opposed to just tea or coffee. Avoid binging on fast food to remain healthy. During summer, take simple brisk walks or stretching as part of your exercise for weight loss. Avoid engaging in heavy exercises during summer.

Tips to keep Cool and Healthy this Summer: Summers are the time to have fun but it is also important to keep your health in mind. Above are some of the tips to keep your body cool in summer naturally and diet tips to keep your body healthy this summer! These tips will help you keep all the health issues away and let you enjoy your summer!

Happy Summers!